Thursday, 17 November 2016
New Release Date.
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
A Superb New Resource for Independent Authors
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WANT YOUR BOOK SEEN BY THOUSANDS OF BOOKSTORES AND LIBRARIES?TopShelf Magazine is a monthly buyers' guide for booksellers. Our highly selective vetting process showcases the best books from today's market, making TopShelf the most trusted source for news, reviews, and resources. We provide bookstores and libraries with the tools needed to help their business expand markets and increase revenue. TopShelf Magazine is delivered FREE to bookstores and libraries all across the continental United States and is available FREE to anyone (including non-U.S. residents, booksellers, and libraries) in digital form, and in print for just the cost of shipping and handling. It is our dedication to providing excellent marketing advice, trustworthy reviews, and connections with hundreds of invaluable resources that keeps booksellers and librarians coming back, and, which makes TopShelf Magazine an amazing place for authors to get noticed. There is no better place for your books to be listed. Even better, TopShelf Magazine includes web, email, and social media marketing with every listing, no matter your budget. So you know your books are being seen by bookstores, libraries, and hundreds-of-thousands of readers throughout our growing network, where we send daily messages to hundreds-of-thousands of opt-in recipients. |
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Thursday, 7 July 2016
Editing - What to expect.
In all honesty the experience wasn't as painful as I had imagined, although it did have its moments. The whole process began with a nerve-wracking wait while a group of individuals I did not know sifted through my manuscript. I did not know these people, we had never met, so I had no way to predict how they would respond to my little creation. How much would they want to change? Was I going to be looking at months of re-writing to bring the manuscript into line with their vision? If so, how much of my own work would be left at the end of the process?
These questions weighed quite heavily on me during this waiting period. Please keep in mind, at this point I was a complete novice when it came to both publishers and editors. This was the first outing for me into the field of traditional publishing. What was I getting into?
On the whole, and with hindsight, I would have to say that, for the most part, my fears were unfounded. My publisher has turned out to be a very pleasant and understanding individual and the editors have been very generous with their comments on my manuscript. Am I lucky in this regard? I don't know. I have no yardstick by which to measure these people or this publishing house. What I can say is that I am, currently very happy here and, if things continue in this vein, I foresee a long and potentially fruitful relationship.
So, what have I actually had to do?
It goes without saying there were a lot of errors within the manuscript. A whole host of typos and grammar issues were highlighted and seeing all of that red pen across my manuscript was, admittedly, a little discouraging at first. Ultimately though, these were all elements that could be fixed quickly with very little fuss.
One thing I did not expect however, was the language issues. I am an Englishman writing in my own language as you would expect. My publisher is American. It never occurred to me that our two countries would perceive and use the same language so differently. Words that I considered common use were virtually unheard of across the pond while their alternatives I considered at times to be "clunky" and ugly. To say there were a lot of discussions between us on this issue would be an understatement. Ultimately however, this is the core of this little article.
I honestly feel I am fortunate to have the relationship with my publisher that I currently enjoy. We have been able to rationally, and at times, even with humour, discuss the numerous vocabulary choices within my manuscript. I have had to recognise that my publisher was trying to ensure my work would be accessible to the widest audience possible. Similarly my publisher was more than willing to accept my need to retain what I believed to be a level of artistic integrity to my work. Somewhere during the course of our numerous conversations I honestly feel a good compromise was reached. In the end I would estimate approximately seventy-five percent of the editors suggestions were taken on board. Of the remaining twenty-five percent I think there was an even split between elements I insisted remained unchanged and elements where I accepted the need for change but was unhappy with the alternative suggested so created a third, entirely new option.
At the end of the entire process, I firmly believe that I have a vastly improved manuscript and, most importantly, one which I am happy to attach my name to when it is brought before the public.
I am not sure this would have been possible without the relationship I have garnered with my publisher. I now find myself in the position of really looking forward to the official release date for my novel on November 15th 2016.
Friday, 13 May 2016
I Have A Publisher !!
TopShelf Publishing
Monday, 4 April 2016
Book Review
"Within the first few pages I was instantly drawn to the characters, and soon as eager as John to discover exactly what had occurred, and why he was suddenly so unique."
If you'd like to know more then please go and read the full review at Darrienia: The Forgotten Legacies Series ~ K.J. Simmill
Saturday, 2 April 2016
Why Write?
I don't think anyone can answer those questions easily. I also don't believe there is any such thing as a wrong answer, everyone has a different reason for choosing the path that they walk in life, and that is just as it should be. But, for what it's worth, here are my answers to those questions.
Regardless of race, colour, creed, religion, we all have one important and unique thing in common. We dream, we fantasize, we imagine ourselves in situations vastly different to those we have experienced. This is a unique and very precious gift. For most of us, those dreams never leave the confines of our own heads, becoming islands of calm that we can constantly retreat to in order to escape the myriad pressures of our day to day lives. These are private islands, private spaces, safe havens where no one else is allowed to roam. We rarely discuss them, even with those we love and trust the most. But writers, they're different.
A writer has a unique ability that goes beyond the mere words they put on paper. It is the gift of trust, of openness, the willingness to take one or more of their personal islands and extend an invitation to the reader to come and join them there. This ability to take something so personal and throw it open to such intense public scrutiny is truly remarkable, a selfless act which should never be underestimated. Writers freely offer us a piece of themselves every time they commit their words to paper. But why do they do this?
Well, I can't speak for every writer in the world, past and present, it would be far too presumptuous of me to even attempt that. What I can do, is tell you why I do it. The stories in my head, the islands I visit, they are as real to me as anything in the material world and, while I revel in the peace that my infrequent excursions to these places bring, I recognize that, without companions, they can be very lonely and two-dimensional. In order for my islands to really come to life, I need to share them, as far and as wide as I possibly can. I need others to feel what I feel, to enjoy, appreciate, even come to love the creations my mind has wrought.
So this is why I write. There are those who wish to change the world around them through the medium of their words. I have no such lofty goals. I may have a similar dissatisfaction with elements of the real world but, rather than try to change it, I seek to create on my island sanctuaries, worlds where those dissatisfactions simply do not exist. These are the places over which I have complete control and, if I am successful in my aims then these are also places that need to be shared.
In that sense then, every novel that I write is an open invitation to the reader. Come with me on what is a very personal journey. Explore my world with me and if you like it there, then you are welcome to stay for as long as you like, for once created, these islands, these worlds will remain long after I am gone.
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
So- if you want to know a little more about me then please take a look at the latest interview.
In The Chair 67 by Jan Ruth
Overall, it was an interesting experience and one I will be repeating. Look out for more interviews over the coming months.
Saturday, 26 March 2016
Easter Book Promotion!!
So go grab a copy while you can!!
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Getting Personal.
As you will have noticed, all of my posts thus far have focussed on my work, whether it be my earlier acting career or, my more recent forays into the world of writing. I think it is probably well past time that I expand upon that.
If you can detect a note of reluctance here, then congratulations. You see, I am an intensely private person. It is against my nature to broadcast my views, feelings and especially aspects of my personal life in this manner. I find it exposes me in a way that makes me very uncomfortable. Having said that, I realize that I need to engage more with my prospective audience.
Going forward therefore, I intend to post items of a more personal nature on this blog. Exactly what, I cannot say at this juncture. I am, however, open to suggestions. If there is anything in particular that you, as my reader, wish to know about me, then please, feel free to ask. I would also welcome any comments you may have an this, or indeed, any of my posts, past, present or future.
I should inform you at this stage that all comments are monitored by myself prior to them being published on this site. I have no wish to censor anyone or block opposing viewpoints to my own. The reason for this monitoring is that I have no wish to provide a platform for the various "trolls" and "keyboard warriors" that inhabit this environment. I will not tolerate, abuse of any kind, and such posts will not see the light of day here. If you object to my opinions in a reasonable and erudite manner then I will happily present your objection to the public and engage in an open discussion with you on whatever the subject may be.
I sincerely hope that this position meets with everyone's approval, and I look forward to presenting myself to you and engaging with you.
Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
"An Unwilling Recruit" - Video Promo.
Friday, 11 March 2016
I Need You !!
There have been some interesting developments regarding my second Novel "Fool In The Ring". As you may be aware, I had planned to release the novel this month and, in truth, it is ready to release now. However, I am putting back the official release date in order to try something a little different.
I submitted my manuscript to Amazon for their Kindle Scout Campaign programme and, surprise surprise it was accepted. So, what does that mean?
Well Kindle Scout selects previously unpublished manuscripts and places them in front of the general public (i.e. YOU) for a period of thirty days. During that time you have the opportunity to nominate manuscripts you believe are worthy of being published. At the end of that thirty day period Amazon will then offer selected authors a publishing contract for their manuscript.
So, starting today, I launch my Kindle Scout campaign for "Fool In The Ring" and I need your help.
I am not asking you to make any kind of purchase, all I am looking for is a little time investment on your part. This is what I need:
- Visit my Campaign Page - Please take a look, as a little reward you will find the first 5000 words of my novel there as a taster (that's almost 4 whole chapters!!)
- Nominate - If you like what you see there then please nominate my book. A large part of Amazons' decision will be based upon the number of nominations I can generate over the thirty day period.
- Share - Share - Share !! - Help me spread the word, please share this post through social media as far and as wide as you possibly can. You can be sure I will be doing the same.
It goes without saying that I am going to be repeating this message a lot over the next thirty days, so I apologize in advance if I become a little repetitive.
I thank you all in advance for your time and support.
Sunday, 28 February 2016
Teaser for Book 2 of "The Armageddon Wars"
Sunday, 21 February 2016
Last Chance for a FREE copy!!
I have been running this promotion in preparation for the up-coming release of the second book in the series. So far "An Unwilling Recruit" has been receiving some excellent reviews;
Daniel Tobias Lewis-Dayle :
(Author of "The Auriala Chronicles" )
"From pretty much the first page it grabbed my attention."
But you don't have to take anyone else's word for it. You can still grab a FREE kindle copy and decide for yourself.
Sunday, 14 February 2016
Week 3 FREEBIE !!!
Tomorrow marks the third and penultimate opportunity for you to grab yourself a kindle copy of my début novel; "An Unwilling Recruit", absolutely FREE .
Saturday, 13 February 2016
Now Available on Amazon
The print version is currently priced at £4.14 with the Kindle being priced at £2.07
The overall production value of the book has increased massively with a brand new cover design and much cleaner format, This is definitely value for money and a great asset to anyone looking at undertaking the task of Caring for a loved one.
Please spread the word.
Friday, 12 February 2016
"Caring For Mum - 2nd Edition"
As the year has progressed I have come to realise that "Caring for Mum" was not complete. I have learnt some new lessons during the past year and I felt it was necessary to share this new information.
With that in mind I have re-packaged and up-dated the original book and produced a second edition. The production value is vastly improved with a whole new cover and interior design but, more importantly, there is an entirely new chapter included which deals with the area of Care Agencies.
Alongside all of those changes I have decided to price this book lower than the original predecessor in the hopes that more people may find it affordable and accessible.
The print version of the book is available as of today with the kindle version following in the next few days.
Sunday, 7 February 2016
2nd Chance !!
After tomorrow there will only be two more chances to get yourself a FREE copy this month.
Don't miss out, grab it now.
Sunday, 31 January 2016
February FREE Book Promotion!!
During the course of February I am offering a FREE kindle e-book version of "The Unwilling Recruit" - you will be able to obtain these FREE copies on the following four dates in February; 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd.
For those of you who miss this opportunity, don't worry as I have also decided to permanently reduce the price of both the e-book and print version of "An Unwilling Recruit".
So make February your month to start reading and enjoying "The Armageddon Wars".
CLICK HERE to obtain your copy of "An Unwilling Recruit".